Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The world is an intensely boring place. Sometimes.

Like those freezing winter mornings when you have to get up early.
Those sweaty summer afternoons in rickety autos on dusty old city roads.
Like those half awake nights spent staring at a computer screen.
Those three hours wasted filling up blank answer sheets.
Like those few months when you decide music is just a phase you‘ll get over.
Those books that you read that only borrow words and steal characters.
Like those timeless days spent mending a broken heart.
Those few seconds of a half hearted kiss that drove us apart.
Like those trees that never grow old.
Those conversations that make you feel so cold.

These Eyes glaze over.


in search of a colourful karma said...

my eyes glazed over after reading this... :P
but seriously, really nice!

T said...

:) thanks!