Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why do men express love/ affection in such odd ways? The number of times I've heard women being referred to as a 'child' or a 'doll' or their judgement and intelligence dismissed as if nullified by their cuteness, is alarming and disturbing. It makes me wonder if love only means an intense desire to protect. And protect out of a sense of possessiveness. Personally, I find it simply impossible to like back such nut jobs.

Friday, June 24, 2011

I wonder what would happen to me if I had no access to mirrors. Would I care about a bad haircut if I couldn't even see how it looked. Or threaded eyebrows. Right now I find it hard to walk by a car without staring at my reflection. Its not because I need to reassure myself of my staggering beauty.. Its probably more to do with my inability to accept myself physically just as people around me haven't been able to accept the way I look. Too thin is a curse too, you know. One would imagine that after 23 years of looking at my skinny self, people would get over my appearance. But these 'skinny legs and all' never fail to be a conversation starter in my world. Sigh..